Hemerocallis ‘Blueberry Candy’
‘Blueberry Candy ‘Daylily
‘Blueberry Candy’ is extremely well-branched and heavily budded with many flowers opening on the stem at once. It blooms like crazy in midsummer, then reblooms later in the season. The fragrant blossoms are near-ivory colored with a crushed blueberry colored eye and matching narrow picotee edge half way up the ruffled petals.
Height: 22.0 Inches
Spread: 18.0-24.0 Inches
Hardiness Zones: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Flower Color: White Shades
Foliage Color: Green shades
Sunlight: Full Sun
(> 6 hrs. Direct Sun) Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)
Water Requirements:
Low Water Needs Average Water Needs
Soil Quality: Poor
Soil Quality Average Soil Quality Fertile Soil Quality
Bloomtime: Midsummer
Rebloomer Continuous Bloom
Attracts Wings: Attracts Butterflies Attracts Hummingbirds Bee Friendly
Critter Resistant: Rabbit Resistant
Growth Rate: Medium
Garden Style: Patio Container Cottage Eclectic
Other Features: Border Plant Mass Planting Salt Tolerant
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